NORMALYSA ‘Sources’ library

Price: FREE

The ‘Sources’ library includes modules for calculation of radionuclides releases to air, surface waters and groundwater from the contaminated object (source-term) such as uranium mill tailings or radioactively contaminated land.


The ‘Sources’ library includes modules for calculation of radionuclides releases to air, surface waters and groundwater from the contaminated object (source-term) such as uranium mill tailings or radioactively contaminated land.

The source-term modules included to ‘Sources’ library are described in the fallowing table.

Description of modules in ‘Sources’ library

Module Description
Tailings without cover This module is designed to describe radionuclide fluxes to subsurface environment and /or radon exhalation to atmosphere from the uranium mill tailings site. The source term is modeled as a single compartment. The radionuclide leaching from soil is described using model of Baes and Sharp [1983]. Radon exhalation to atmosphere is modeled using diffusion model described in [IAEA, 2013].
Contaminated land without cover This module describes radionuclide fluxes to subsurface environment and /or radon exhalation to atmosphere from the radioactively contaminated topsoil layer. It implements the same mathematical models as the “Tailings without cover” module described above.
Chronic release This simple model describes chronic (constant in time) release of radioactive contaminant to atmosphere and/or groundwater or surface water body.
Generic source term This module represents a simple model for release(s) of radioactive contaminant to aquatic object (unsaturated zone/aquifer or surface water body) which is described either by the first-order rate reaction (transfer coefficient) or by the constant in time release rate (transfer rate), or both processes simultaneously.

User Manual

User Manual for NORMALYSA v.2.3 (link to external website)

AFRY Intelligent Scenario Modelling Models - Normalysa Sources model
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